Member-only story
Yes, People Can Change
In the morning reading of the newspaper, I came across another straightforward newspaper article, as one expects within the Canadian landscape. One about Christians, or Christ, or a church, or some Catholic scandal, or — good Lord — the death of the former Queen, und so weiter.
One feels compelled to query one’s self about something more novel, less trendy, of value. I have Sam Samson to appreciate for this news item. It deals with the change in perspective or convictions. A former pastor, Scott Gillingham, spent years describing homosexuality as immoral from the lofty transcendentalisms of the Pentecostal faith.
He was elected to Winnipeg’s city council in 2014. The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 2018 general constitution and bylaws claims the leaders cannot engage in “sexual immorality”. This may be a vague reference to the Greek word porneia as a biblical term used by Jesus for any and all sexual immorality. Specifics differ by interpretation and translation.
Samson quotes the 2018 general constitution and bylaws saying, “Sexual immorality shall be interpreted to mean common-law marital relationships, premarital and extramarital sexual relationships … and all forms of homosexual activity, along with other practices deemed inexcusable for Christian conduct.”
This is contemporary Canada. Gillingham, after a significant period of years denouncing one of the large hunks of the LGBTI+ umbrella, has made an about-face. He intends to make the city more inclusive. He wants to have the public make…