Humanists International Policy Chronology 4: “The Foundation of IHEU”
The congress considering that the present situation of our civilization is a challenge to all humanist and ethical groups to extend their activities on an international level, resolves
To found an International Humanist and Ethical Union
To authorize the Steering Committee enlarged with representatives of each approved organization that proposes to adhere to the Union to give effect to this decision in accordance with the provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation,
subject to the condition that this Union shall be deemed to be constituted as soon as the organizations from three different countries shall have joined.
IHEU congress 1952
‘The Foundation of IHEU’, Humanists International, World Humanist Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1952
THis policy, as with the others from 1952, were setting the stage for the existence of IHEU, or the International Humanist and Ethical Union, into HI or Humanists International, what we know today.
What is the point of an international or global organization for a movement? As far as I can tell, it is for the simple or straightforward purpose of extending any national or regional efforts onto the international stage.
As anyone who has gone to a Humanists International conference will note, the strength is building trust and commitment between organizations, sharing struggles and strategies for combatting them, and realizing how the problems are common.
This policy may seem redundant in making the stipulation about coming together internationally and working on our common problems. However, it’s a good thing. Reminders are helpful. Formal policies are good anchors in this way. If anyone asks, we can point attention to the policy — all the way back to 1952.
The IHEU garnered force through this policy, in a way, with the “Steering Committee” to enlarge representation and effectuate larger forms of action in this way.
Duly note, this policy is listed as “pending-review.”