1040: The Real StoriesThe Real Stories: Tell me humane triumph; the single mother who worked two jobs and raised 3 kids; the man who pulled back from suicide.Feb 2Feb 2
1039: Your storiesYour stories: Life is not about you, alone; it’s not something out there that happens, nor protagonistic antagonisms with it; it’s simply…Jan 28Jan 28
1038: Look look around youLook look around you: Beige waterfalls up crystalline grounds blackened by starlack; up, up Spring mist goes, yet no touch toe-to-light.Jan 28Jan 28
1037: Abusive MenAbusive Men: Of course, abusive men are Gibraltarians without accountability who lie, gaslight, proand look for external validation…Jan 13Jan 13
Pith 1036: Hold my hand, walk with meHold my hand, walk with me: Is the greater gift in the act of love or in the capacity to generate it?Jan 12Jan 12
Pith 1035: Every wordEvery word: A truth is every word exhaled counts; and, you’re not the captain of every one, but responsible for its derivatives.Jan 11Jan 11
Pith 1034: The Completeness ConjectureThe Completeness Conjecture: I knew not what or when, nor why, and when the photons fade; that’s now, and so too the pain, and the anguish…Jan 10Jan 10
Pith 1032: To the burdened wearyTo the burdened weary: the nobility is in both your struggle and survival; you’re never alone entirely; if I could lift it, I would.Jan 7Jan 7
Pith 1032: It was always hereIt was always here: The more you’re alone; the more you feel the sound of the Earth; and, grinding motion is a stall — shift the dial.Jan 5Jan 5
Pith 1031: A Bridge to the ManA Bridge to the Man: is but a temporal matter of months in wading; ’tis bea-utee upa tampedoral repression as a hadder of fact while…Jan 3Jan 3