1055: The Future is FemaleThe Future is Female: Substantially still true, and the males mostly don’t see it, via incurable prejudice — The Dis-ease, simply not as…4d ago4d ago
1054: Jacobsen’s WakeJacobsen’s Wake: Liddle dad ham sleep, The Crossed! From death to life, the drame waked until knight.4d ago4d ago
1053: Gay, or Computer Gay?Gay, or Computer Gay?: Most of the balanced Greats of Artificial Intelligence are gay; and, we’re better for it — Turing, Hariri, Altman…6d ago6d ago
1052: Souma ManoneSouma Manone: Papa Bisouwoma, Papa Baye Baye, Papa Lomay Andile, Papa Tagouwoma, Marie Wooo.Mar 3Mar 3
1051: Quiet AngelQuiet Angel: could be a name for Tracy Chapman; a blessing gifted life and breath to the rest to hear; why not throw in Bill Withers, too?Mar 1Mar 1
1050: CalcificationCalcification: Open engagement with a persona, a phantasy, in real-time can be taken as an offence when not but one to the not even extant.Feb 28Feb 28
1049: Barely out of the jungleBarely out of the jungle: It is considered revolutionary to be able to talk and empathize with members of the same species globally.Feb 27Feb 27
1048: FundamentallyFundamentally: Life is The Tragedy, not simply a; there are, essentially, fewer questions about the fact than, “What do we do with it?”Feb 26Feb 26
1047: If sick, call home, inIf sick, call home, in: if the system assumes you’re incurably sick, then commands you to be well, the system is unwell, not the person.Feb 26Feb 26
1046: Alone TogetherAlone Together: We can move fast alone, but we can go farther together-take your picks.Feb 26Feb 26